How to Celebrate the Fourth of July!

Independence Day is a holiday that celebrates the birth of American independence from Britain. Many people call it 4th of July. Are you needing something exciting to do this fourth? Listed below are some great ideas on how to spend your 4th of July with friends and family!


Barbecuing is the perfect food for a family-friendly gathering. You’re able to feed a large group of people plus It’s easy and delicious! You can BBQ ribs, pork, or chicken so pick your favorites and fire up that grill. Be sure to have some sides to go with it - potatoe salad, green beans, coleslaw, and mac & cheese are great examples. As the host, you can also ask your guests to bring their favorite sides so you don't have to prepare everything. 

Dive In!

After everyone is full from the delicious food, it’s time to go swimming! If you don’t have a private pool look for community pools nearby in your area. This is the perfect time to cool off before the evening fun.

Attend the Valley Ranch 4th Fest

The Valley Ranch 4th Fest is an annual Fourth of July celebration that is located at the Hill at Valley Ranch. The event will kickoff at 4:00pm on July 4th.  Eli Young Band will be performing with Wade Bowen and Heather Rayleen opening. This family friendly event will have a Kid Zone, food trucks and vendors, car show, music and fireworks! Also, the country music band, Eli Young Band, will be performing along with Wade Bowen and Heather Rayleen. This is an event that will be enjoyable for people of all ages! For more information about the 4th Fest click here!

Don't have a backyard to host family-friendly get togethers? Check our available homes that we have all over the Greater Houston area here!



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