First America Homes shows support for Splendora Police Department

Source: Bluebonnet News

First America Homes’ marketing team visited Splendora Police Department to show their appreciation for the officers’ hard work and dedication. The team brought along a box of donuts, a Texas flag and an American flag to proudly fly outside the station.

“We are grateful for the sacrifices that the men and women of the Splendora Police Department make every day to keep this amazing community safe,” said Alexis Rincon, marketing manager for First America Homes. “It was an honor to visit the station and show our appreciation for their hard work.”

This visit was an important opportunity for First America Homes to connect with local law enforcement in Splendora. With two communities now open in the area, First America Homes is committed to giving back to the municipalities in which they build and serve. 

For more information about First America Homes and their community outreach efforts, visit

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